I really did enjoy my 2010 freshman SIMUN experience as Venezuela. I found that my country, Venezuela, did not have a major role in any of the scenarios. I had to adapt to this problem by giving speeches on how I agreed with other nations and how Venezuela would help. For example in the scenario of Ukraine joining NATO, Russia was going to cut off gas to Ukraine, so as Venezuela, I made a business deal with Ukraine and supplied them with oil for a profit. I had a blast asking questions to people and making them blank out and give no answer, because it gave me the satisfaction that I succeeded as a questioner. The newsflash annoyed me because whenever I had a speech ready, a newsflash would change my whole argument. As a freshman I must say that SIMUN was not as bad as I thought it was going to be.
Overall I believe that I did a mediocre job. This is because I did not give many speeches, because I did not know what to say. I do believe that I did outstanding in asking questions; because I could think of questions no one else would have been able to come up with. I contributed in coming up with resolutions, such as making the United Kingdom pay compensations to those who were attacked by pirates in the Falkland Island dispute. I also believe that I motioned for a lot of caucuses that allowed our groups to rethink what happened when a newsflash occurred. I did a fair job in contributing during SIMUN.
I prepared by reading over many different articles of the same topic to know I was getting the right information. I was able to be confident when I presented a speech about a topic. I also prepared by going over parliamentary style on how to make a motion or ask a question. I also researched my country to find out who my allies and enemies were which came in handy during SIMUN when it came to caucusing.
Next year as a sophomore I will definitely give more speeches. Hopefully my country will be in some of the situations so I can actually have an important role. If not I will do more of agreeing with other nations and promoting ideas that will help resolve the situation. I will also try to ask even more questions than I did this year. I had a great time doing SIMUN this year and I just cannot wait for next year to do it all over again.
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